Friday, December 3, 2021

ANIMA Vs ANIMUS, artist talk and panel of discussion, Saturday 4 December, Gallery 25, Perth Western Australia

 Saturday 4 December 2021:

- 1pm, ARTIST TALKS with Natan Beard, Christophe Canato, Janet Carter, Theo Costantino and Ryan Nazzari.
- 2:30pm, PANEL DISCUSSION. Flux and Fluidity: Trans and gender diverse artists in conversation with Dr Theo Costantino, Dr Meredith Jackson and Toby Whittington.

ANIMA vs. ANIMUS is curated by Christophe Canato.
Artists include: Nathan Beard, Christophe Canato, Janet Carter, Theo Costantino and Ryan Nazzari.

This event is supported by the Department of Local Government Sport and Cultural Industries.

Gallery25, ECU
Building 10, 2 Bradford St, Mount Lawley, ACCESS BY CENTRAL AV. INSTEAD IS MUCH EASIER.
Exhibition dates:
19 November - 16 December 2021 Gallery opening hours: Tuesday to Friday 10am - 4pm
Artist Talks and panel discussion: From 1pm Saturday 4 December 2021