Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Artist Talk, He l She l They exhibition, 5th May 2021, Bunbury Regional Art Gallery, Western Australia

If you are around go to visit He/She/they, an amazing exhibition about gender identity including 37 talented artists. To name a few, Gera Woltjer, Carla Adams, Nathan Beard, Janet Carter , Olga Cironis , Penny Coss , Mel Dare , Tania Ferrier, Dan Gladden, Brent Harrison, Pablo Hughes, Meredith Jackson, Andrew Nicholls, Ron Nyisztor, Annette Grace Peterson and much more.
The night was opened by the energetic and friendly Colin Walker.
Thank you to Bunbury team, Caro Lunel , Amber Norrish, Dan.


Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Finalist - EXHIBITION OPENING FRI 28 MAY | 6:30PM | Exhibitions run Sat 29 May — Sun 18 July

EXHIBITION OPENING FRI 28 MAY | 6:30PM | FREE ENTRY DJ | Bar open | Woodfired pizza Exhibitions run Sat 29 May — Sun 18 July RSVP by Wed 26 May via email or Facebook The Fremantle Arts Centre Print Award is Australia’s most prestigious, longest running print prize. Now in its 45th year, the FAC Print Award presents a diverse selection of prints and artist books from emerging, established and crossdisciplinary artists, offering a true picture of the state of contemporary Australian printmaking. Join us on opening night to find out who has been selected as this year’s winner. As Australia’s richest print prize, the winner will take home $16,000 and their work will be acquired for the City of Fremantle Art Collection, the largest municipal collection in WA. Second prize receives $6,000. Judging Panel Felicity Johnston: Curator and Director of Art Collective WA Lia McKnight: Australian artist and curator based in Waylyup/Fremantle, Curator of the Curtin University Art Collection and previous exhibiting artist at Fremantle Art Centre Rachael Salmon-Lomas: Printmaking lecturer and technician at Curtin University, WA and previous Fremantle Arts Centre Print Award finalist 2021 Artists Peter Burgess (NSW) | Christophe Canato (WA) | Susanna Castleden (WA) | Seong Cho (NSW) | Jazmina Cininas (VIC) | Jennifer Cochrane (WA) | Damien Dillon (NSW) | Alice Nampitjinpa Dixon (NT) | Rainer Doecke (QLD) | Lesley Duxbury (VIC) | Linda Fardoe (WA) | Beth Ferialdi (WA) | Danielle Freakley (WA) | Joel Gailer (VIC) | Liam Garstang (NSW) | Pascale Giorgi (WA) | Lee Harrop (NT) | Nathalie Hartog-Gautier (NSW) | Melissa Harvey (NSW) | Jan Hogan (TAS) | Lucas Ihlein (NSW) | Locust Jones (NSW) | Alison Kennedy (VIC) | Elizabeth Knuckey (WA) | Hiroshi Kobayashi (WA) | Helen Kocis Edwards (VIC) | Pip Lewi + Paul Sutherland (WA) | Judith Martinez Estrada (NSW) | Maxxi Minaxi May (WA) | Dan McCabe (WA) | Megan McPherson (VIC) | Tim Meakins (WA) | Andrew Nicholls (WA) | Brighde O’Hara (WA) | Daniel O’Shane (QLD) | Izabela Pluta (NSW) | Yvonne ReesPagh (TAS) | Harrison Riekie (WA) | Brian Robinson (QLD) | Sarah Robinson (WA) | The Usual Collective Safam Adir, Georgette Grosse, Benjamin Ori (NSW) | John Prince Siddon (WA) | Valerie Sparks (VIC) | Anne Starling (NSW) | Elmari Steyn (WA) | Justin Trendall (NSW) | Ailsa Waddell (WA) | Bridie Weaver (WA) | Cleo Wilkinson (QLD) | Duncan Wright (WA) | Nina Wright (WA)

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Finalist - 2021 MINNAWARRA ART AWARD | Exhibitions run 1st May — 16th May

Minnawarra Art Awards 2021 The new and improved Minnawarra Art Awards showcases some of Western Australia’s best artists, a number of which we are proud to say are local to the Armadale district! This year sees an increased prize pool and more targeted art awards to ensure this professionally curated exhibition provides viewers with a powerful show of high calibre and diverse artworks. As the centrepiece of the Armadale Arts Festival, the Art Awards offers an exciting public program including floor talks, Positive Ageing High Teas and Music in the Hall ensuring that it’s not just the arts lovers that are able to revel in this creative visual feast! Acquisition Awards $ 12,000 City of Armadale Art Award $ 3,000 Local Artist Award $ 3,000 Aboriginal Artist Award Non-Acquisition Awards $ 5,000 Gerry Gauntlet Award $ 2,000 Highly Commended